The Chairman of the Soviet Council of Peopled Commissars (Stalin) to President Roosevelt 56

I received your message of October 4th.

As regards the military questions, i. e., British-American measures of shortening of the war, you already know the point of view of the Soviet Government from my previous message. I hope, however, that in this respect a preliminary meeting of the three will bring useful results, having prepared our future important decisions.

If I understood you correctly, at the Moscow conference will be discussed questions concerning only our three countries, and, thus, it can be considered as agreed upon that the question of the declaration of four nations is not included in the agenda of the conference.

Our representatives have to do everything possible to prevent possible difficulties in their responsible work. It is understood that the decisions as such, can be made only by our governments and, I hope they will be made at my personal meeting with you and Mr. Church-hill.

Best wishes to the American and British Armies to fulfill successfully their task and enter Home, which will be a new blow inflicted upon Mussolini and Hitler.

  1. Copy of telegram obtained from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N. Y.