111.11 Hull, Cordell/1586: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

6740. Personal for the Secretary. Your 6121, October 4, 8 p.m. Yesterday I conveyed your message to Mr. Eden. He has just forwarded a reply to the Embassy which he asked that I cable to you:

“Thank you very much for your message. I agree with you that it might be inadvisable for us to have a formal period of conference in Cairo. I had been aiming at arriving in Moscow on October 15, but as you are not now proposing to get there until 2 days later, I think I had better not arrive there before you. I had in any event been proposing to halt a while in Cairo. We shall therefore presumably be there together, and if our time should overlap by a day or an evening, I much hope that we could meet informally for a talk. I am sure that this would be useful. From my experience Moscow is not a very good place for confidential discussion. All good wishes for your journey.”
