852.48/1455: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hayes)

729. Your 709, March 24, noon. An additional allotment of $100,000 from the President’s Emergency Fund has been obtained for expenditure in accordance with provisions set forth in Department’s 255 of February 5, 9 p.m. concerning original allotment. These American funds are to be expended for the particular purposes enumerated in your 709 March 24. We understand that this sum will be sufficient for your needs for several months. You are authorized to draw a separate draft on the Department for this amount charging 19–112/30006/014 Emergency Fund for the President, National Defense, [Page 279] 1942 and 1943,—Allocation No. 42/3–98 (OFR–1). A separate account, supported by such details as you may find it practicable to present, should be rendered and this telegram cited.

You are being informed by a separate telegram of the transfer of $250,000 of French North African funds to Malaise for French refugees.
