852.48/1466: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Hayes) to the Secretary of State

766. Portuguese Ambassador informs me that Salazar has not yet received necessary note from our Government formally requesting Portugal to grant transit to refugees departing from Spain with Spanish consent and that informal representations made by Mr. Fish as reported in his 652, March 25, 7 p.m. are not sufficient. I had informed the Department in my 704, March 24, 10 p.m. of the nature and form of the note desired by Salazar and of my belief that Mr. Fish would like instructions accordingly from the Department.

With Spain, the British and the French cooperating and with Portugal prepared to cooperate as soon as Salazar received desired note only the lack of instructions from the Department to Lisbon stands in the way of starting large scale exodus of refugees from the peninsula. Such instruction is most urgently requested.

Repeated to Lisbon.
