840.48 Refugees/3482

The Secretary of State to the Polish Ambassador (Ciechanowski)

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to the preliminary conversations which you have carried on with officials of this Department relative to the arrangements being made between the Polish and Mexican Governments to receive in Mexico a substantial number of Polish refugees from the Middle Eastern area.

It is understood, in this connection, that the Mexican Government has agreed in principle to receive for the duration of the war up to a maximum of 28,000 Polish refugees from the Middle Eastern area. While it is further understood that the final details regarding the probable number of such refugees to be sent to Mexico have not been settled and that no definite detailed plan has so far been worked out for the reception and care of these persons in Mexico, there are set forth below the arrangements which the United States Government is willing to make in order to facilitate the transportation and care of these Polish nationals from the Middle Eastern area:

The United States Government will place to the account of the Polish Government the sum of three million dollars for the purpose of transporting and caring for these Polish refugees in Mexico. It is believed that this sum will be sufficient to meet the necessary expenses involved during the first year of the proposed plan since it is understood that the number of Polish refugees to be sent to Mexico during that period will in all probability be between three and five thousand. In the event that, on the basis of experience gained in handling the first groups of Polish refugees in Mexico, it is learned that further sums are needed or additional controls are advisable, the matter will again be discussed.
The release of funds from this account for the use of the Polish Government in connection with the transportation to and the care of [Page 260] these refugees in Mexico would be based on specific estimates of quarterly requirements drawn up by the Polish authorities which would be submitted for approval to the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations.
While the expenses for the care and transportation of these Polish refugees arriving in the United States would be covered by the Polish Government from such funds, the Office of Relief and Rehabilitation Operations would cooperate with the Polish officials and with officials of the State Department for the reception and transportation of these refugees to Mexico.
The Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations will make arrangements to assign an experienced Relief Administrator to the United States Embassy in Mexico City for the purpose of advising and assisting in the plan for the reception, care and location of these refugees. The Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations will also provide such additional American personnel as may be required to assist the Polish Government in the technical supervision of this work.
In order to assist in this work the Polish Government should employ such additional personnel as the American Advisor shall recommend for the purpose of administering the project. The salaries of such additional personnel shall be met by the Polish Government from the above-mentioned funds provided by the United States Government.
It is clearly understood that the arrangements between the Mexican and Polish Governments concerning the conditions for the entry into Mexico and the subsequent repatriation of these Polish refugees are entirely matters between these Governments, the United States Government assuming no responsibility in respect thereto.

It would be appreciated if you could confirm whether the above stipulations are satisfactory to the Polish Government.

Accept [etc.]

Cordell Hull