852.48/1420: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hayes)
255. Your 224, January 28. Special allotment of $100,000 from President’s Emergency Fund has been secured for relief of refugees of American and French nationality in accordance with general procedure suggested in your recent messages on this subject. You are authorized to draw on Department up to this amount, charging OFR [Page 259] No. 1. Draw separate draft; render separate account in such detail as may be found practicable. Since you are temporarily assuming care of French refugees as governmental responsibility, such assistance should be provided those in need regardless of race or religion.
Essential that Lehman, Director of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation, be provided with periodic reports on expenditures from this allocation, methods of relief administration, size of problem, numbers being sent to North Africa, and other pertinent details. No assurance any further sums will be available but if you contemplate request of any further sum, it is essential that Department be advised in sufficient detail and far enough in advance to permit careful consideration of proposal.