811.20 (D) E.D.B./1535: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)
956. Department’s 922, August 18. Please advise status of discussions. It is believed particularly desirable that Graham be fully informed in order that he will be in a position to discuss matter upon his arrival.
Following telegram has been received from Buenos Aires:
“Official statistics show average annual imports of 12,092 short tons of copper brass and bronze manufactured and unmanufactured from [Page 64] 1937 through 1941. Same source indicates 9,144 short tons imported first 6 months 1942. Not possible to separate copper from brass and bronze because of manner statistics prepared.
Facilities available here to fabricate all products from Chilean electrolytic copper except enameled wire and plain wire smaller than B. S. guage number 38. 1943 requirements enameled wire estimated at 184 short tons and small copper wire at 150 tons. 75% of this for radio industry. Other products not indispensable though quality and price not comparable to those furnished from the United States.
Spare parts for automobiles, machinery and intricate electrical apparatus not included either in import figures or estimate even though made of copper, brass or bronze because no figures available on these individual items.
Embassy of opinion no further allocations copper, brass or bronze necessary for 1942. And no more copper needed from Chile this year.
If 10,000 tons can be received from Chile during 1943 Argentina will have sufficient copper to meet all of her requirements except those of enameled wire and wire smaller than number 38.”