811.20 Defense (M) Turkey/174: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey ( Steinhardt )

646. The Embassy’s 1189 of November 22, 10 p.m., 1215 of November 28, 8 p.m., the Embassy’s 1211 of November 28, 4 p.m., the final section of which was not received until Dec. 9, and the Embassy’s 1240 of December 6, 10 a.m.

From the telegrams under reference it appears that the Turks have definitely refused the principle of pari passu as discussed earlier in the negotiations.
The Department approves thoroughly a most careful scrutiny of the language of the reply of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the British Ambassador’s note of October 5th to the end that it contains no ambiguity as to the rights and concessions it has been possible to secure to date. It is requested that the Embassy take an active part in this study and freely and forcefully suggest to the British any changes which it regards as desirable.
Assuming that the phraseology of the document under discussion is satisfactory, it should secure for us a certain minimum position at the present time.
Future action to assure the maintenance of this minimum position would appear to fall into two categories. The first would be continuing diplomatic efforts to urge on the Turks the policy of an unrelentingly strict interpretation of Germany’s obligations under the Clodius Agreement. The second type of action is touched on in B 3 of paragraph 1 of the Embassy’s 1211. This line involves utilization of every method in our power of securing the friendly cooperation of every Turk, however lowly, directly or indirectly concerned in the movement of ore which the British will own. This would extend from the Eti Bank officials to the individual workers, and the Department believes that neither time in preparation nor expense in execution should be spared in the campaign. The first major point in this connection would seem to be promptly placing in effect the decision to pay the producers 270 shillings per ton for ore unaccepted on September 25 and for ore mined between that date and December 31, 1942. [Page 781] The Department assumes this is being done but would appreciate being informed of the latest information on this specific point as well as reports on plans as they are developed along this general line.
While anxious in any way to strengthen our hold on what we have, there is reluctance here to accept what would appear to be the inevitable; i.e. that no concessions greater than those contained in the Foreign Minister’s draft reply can be obtained. The Embassy is relied on to keep us informed of any and all action here which could advance your efforts. It is also urged that the Embassy maintain its attitude that these negotiations are equally as important to this Government as to the British, and hence that the Embassy’s fullest participation has the Department’s complete approval.