811.20 Defense (M) Turkey/174: Telegram
The Chargé in Turkey (Kelley) to the Secretary of State
Ankara, December
6, 1942—10 a.m.
[Received December 7—1:05 a.m.]
[Received December 7—1:05 a.m.]
1240. My 1215, November 28. British Chargé has received from Numan revised draft of Turkish reply to Hugessen’s letter of October 5. New draft reads in translation as follows:
- 1.
- “Turkish Government agrees to sell exclusively to Britain total amount of chrome produced in Turkey up to January 8, 1943.
- 2.
- Turkish Government takes note of increase in price from
September 25, 1942 for all chrome hitherto undeclared or
declared subject to new price whether already in stock or newly
produced between September 25 and January 8, 1943. It is agreed
- (a)
- Every ton of ore produced which is above ground by January 8, 1943 will be declared and sold to British Government in accordance with terms of purchase contract.
- (b)
- List of stocks mentioned above will be placed at disposition of Embassy under guarantee of Turkish Government.
- (c)
- Reservation being made with respect to delivery of a maximum quantity of 5,000 [45,000] tons to be effected in pursuance of previous engagements to other countries, Turk authorities will cooperate effectively in transporting ore to accessible ports in accordance with a cadence which will permit equally the execution of other agreements in force. (Letter of October 19, 1941 and eventual agreements resulting therefrom.)
- 3.
- With respect to conditions mentioned in article 5 of note of
British Ambassador, Minister for Foreign Affairs is anxious to
- (a)
- That the principle of pari passu could not be applied to detriment of previous obligations of Turkish Government to other countries.
- (b)
- It is agreed that up to December 31, 1944 the total amount of chrome not engaged by virtue of an agreement existing at date of present letter or to be concluded in accordance with conditions specified in such an agreement shall be reserved for British Government and up to said date deliveries could be made to it without prejudice to execution of aforementioned undertakings.
- 4.
- Turkish Government is for the moment decided not to conclude any new agreement for the sale of chrome produced after January 1, 1945.
- Foreign Minister agrees to conclude agreements for eventual
sale of chrome for export after January 1, 45. First contract
will be concluded with British Government. Following conditions
will be observed in this contract:
- a.
- No other country, in subsequent contracts, will be better treated than British Government in respect to quantities and conditions of delivery of chrome.
- b.
- Without prejudice to foregoing paragraph a, minimum of 40 percent of total amount of chrome sold for export will be in any case reserved for British Government.”
After study by British and ourselves a further discussion will be had with Numan with regard to points in draft which are considered unsatisfactory.