882.20/585: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Hibbard)

168. Your 202, June 22, 4 p.m. The Department believes that on important questions related to the war you should endeavor to consult with President Barclay personally. Please obtain an interview with him as soon as possible and explain that the continued presence of German officials in Liberia not only constitutes a threat to the security of our operations but invites the very danger which is most feared by Liberia. With the departure of these officials from Liberian territory the possibilities of Germany receiving information on which to base hostile action should be materially lessened. It is therefore regarded as of foremost importance to have the Germans leave while we are in the process of delivering supplies and personnel intended for the defense installations in Liberia.

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The War Department expresses the hope that no publicity will be given to the defense agreement when ratified by the Legislature.
