882.20/604: Telegram

The Chargé in Liberia ( Hibbard ) to the Secretary of State

262. Department’s 192, August 5, 7 p.m. The nature of the British inquiry made to Col. Wood regarding a proposed installation by the United States Government to house a British radio group at Cape Palmas and his reply were approximately as reported in my telegram 243, July 24, 6 p.m.

For over 2 months the British have been endeavoring to locate a radio station at that point which they state is for use in protecting this coastal area. The Liberian Government has refused them permission for any installation here except on our defense area (see my telegrams 179, June 8 noon, 180, June 8, 2 p.m. and 184, June 12, 1 p.m.)

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Each time the query has been made to Col. Wood or me, the British have been informed that we have no defense area at Cape Palmas and that all negotiations for securing one should be made by their representatives in Washington with the War and State Departments. There still seems to be confusion in their minds on this point which arises, I believe, from a certain lack of coordination between their African West Coast Command, the War Office and the British Staff representatives in Washington.

I do not believe there is any necessity at present for our requesting a defense area at Cape Palmas. Colonel Wood agrees. General Fitzgerald who is in command of American troops in this area has only spent 24 hours here and is now in Egypt so I have been unable to discuss the question with him. The final decision will, of course, depend on what strategic plans the General Staff have for this region. I do believe, however, that it would be unfair to the Liberians for us to ask for a defense area at Cape Palmas unless we intend to place American troops there and use it since they have made it very clear that they do not wish the British there or anywhere in Liberia except under our supervision. If strategic reasons make it necessary for us to put a military establishment at that point, there will be no need for a British radio station. They are now operating a pack set at Roberts Field which I am informed by our officers there is unnecessary duplication.
