891.00/1876: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus)

138. British Foreign Office has inquired whether the United States would be prepared to send a full military mission to Iran to reorganize the Iranian Army. Bullard has reported that seven officers would be sufficient to wield considerable influence. Foreign Office considers such a mission could play an important role by correcting abuses, increasing effectiveness of Army and thereby assist in the maintenance of internal security and protection of supply route to Russia. Also feels that work of financial adviser would be handicapped unless Army properly organized and that close friendly cooperation with an American military mission would remedy ill-feeling caused by Anglo-Russian occupation and counteract pro-Axis sentiment of Army officers. Foreign Office asks favorable consideration of proposal, which it is ready to urge upon Iranian Government.

Following is pertinent portion of telegram which Department is sending to London in reply to this suggestion:

[Here follows text of first four paragraphs of telegram No. 2417, printed supra.]
