851U.7962/19a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

4071. For General Dahlquist.33

1. An inquiry was addressed to Brazzaville in connection with General Valin’s suggestion that disagreeable incidents might occur should American aircraft or personnel arrive at Pointe Noire before agreement is reached on the request for eight aircraft for French Equatorial Africa. Taylor replied that in his opinion no incident would occur there unless ordered from London in which case instructions would probably be followed. He added that local authorities wish to please Americans but are afraid to move without instructions from London. For example, French Captain Morgan in charge of airport construction at Pointe Noire has been transferred because he was too friendly to us.

Following the lines of War Department’s instructions to you, Mr. Tixier, Chief of Free French Delegation here, is being informally advised that although every effort will be made consistent with the needs of our common cause to furnish eight transport planes for French Equatorial Africa, this Government must continue to maintain its position that the question of these planes cannot be considered as an integral part of the Pointe Noire agreement; and that the completion of the Pointe Noire project is of common interest in the war effort and should be dealt with strictly on its merits.

2. At the same time Tixier is being informed that this Government is willing to bear the cost of the installations and improvements made by the United States army for its own purposes and that these installations or improvements will remain the property of France after the war without any compensation.

3. Tixier is being informed that the War Department would welcome the appointment of a Fighting French officer for purpose of liaison with the American authorities in charge of the work to be carried out at Pointe Noire.

  1. Successor to General Bolte as United States representative to deal with the Free French regarding military matters.