Interest of the United States in political and economic conditions in French North Africa: 28
28. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1941, vol. ii, pp. 206–503.
- I. Continued suspension of economic aid program except for two
shipments; negotiations and policies regarding possible United States
assistance to resistance movement; resumption of economic aid program
(January–April) (Documents 231–270)
- II. Suspension of the economic aid program following Laval’s return to
power in France; considerations for revival of program
(April–June) (Documents 271–296)
- III. Resumption of economic aid program (June–July) (Documents 297–331)
- IV. Acceleration of economic aid program by direction of the
President; inter-departmental difficulties regarding implementation of
the program (August–September) (Documents 332–373)
- V. Plans for securing French assistance for the landing in North
Africa of American military forces (September–November) (Documents 374–424)
- VI. Invasion and occupation of French North Africa
(November–December) (Documents 425–501)