851R.00/203: Airgram

The Consul General at Casablanca (Russell) to the Secretary of State

A–12. Moroccan public reaction almost 100 percent favorable to appointment of General Giraud. Press of all political tinges has expressed enthusiasm in tones of unusual sincerity. Left and Gaullist elements feel this is a step away from totalitarian tendencies. [Page 497] Right and monarchists feel Giraud can be trusted to maintain order. Army pleased at reacquiring predominance over Navy and certain that now its expansion and rearming will not be hampered by politicians. Slight luke-warmness observed in Navy and upper circles of Residency where loss of independence and prestige is feared.

All sides unite however in praising Giraud’s glorious past, his uncompromising anti-German attitude in past two years and his will to fight. Since all Frenchmen can unite around him they feel that final victory is thus assured.
