
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Villard)

Participants: General Hull, Operations Division, War Department
Mr. Murray93
Mr. Villard

General Hull presented a message from General Eisenhower transmitting a draft of an announcement which the latter proposed to make on the conclusion of the agreement now being worked out at Algiers with Admiral Darlan and Governor General Boisson with regard to French West Africa. General Eisenhower proposed to state in this announcement that M. Boisson had agreed to cooperate in the prosecution of the war against the Axis and that he would cooperate fully with Admiral Darlan, the High Commissioner for French North Africa. The agreement related to the use of airfields, ports and port facilities, the release of Allied shipping in French West African ports and the release of internees of the United Nations.

General Eisenhower’s message had mentioned the use of the designation “French Imperial Federation” by the French authorities now gathering some semblance of political formation in North Africa. General Eisenhower stated that no act on our part can recognize any government set-up in French Africa except such a provisional organization as might be formed for the purpose of military operations. On the other hand, we could not prevent any French group from using any label it might choose in conducting local affairs in the territory.

In the reply drafted by the War Department to General Eisenhower approval was given to the proposed announcement. However, General Eisenhower was cautioned to be careful not to make use of the title “French Imperial Federation” in any written agreements or communications with the French. This reply had been drafted at the direction of Admiral Leahy, who had given full approval thereto.

  1. Wallace Murray, Adviser on Political Relations.