
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Adams) of a Conversation With the First Secretary of the British Embassy (Thorold)64

Mr. Thorold called at the Department upon Mr. Adams’ request.

Mr. Adams referred to the two aide-mémoire designated “A” and “B”, dated April 8, 1941,65 left by the British Ambassador with the Secretary of State in regard to Thailand, and said that they were being studied and a reply prepared. Mr. Adams said that in the meantime the Thai Minister expected to call at the Department on April 16 in regard to exports from the United States to Thailand and that Mr. Thorold had been requested to call so that Mr. Adams could go over with him what Mr. Hamilton proposed to say to the Thai Minister. Mr. Adams explained that the Department wished, while considering the British Embassy’s aide-mémoire, to avoid any preliminary action that might run counter to the ideas which the British Government had in mind. Mr. Adams then handed Mr. Thorold the attached two-page memorandum dated April 1066 containing points which it was suggested that Mr. Hamilton include in his next conversation with the Thai Minister.

Mr. Thorold said that the memorandum indicated an attitude exactly along the lines along which the British Government was thinking. Mr. Thorold was especially interested in the statement concerning the export of petroleum products and said that what the British [Page 129] Government had in mind was that the normal needs of Thailand should be met but that no supplies in excess of normal requirements should be made available.

Mr. Thorold thanked Mr. Adams for informing him of the proposed remarks to the Minister of Thailand and the conversation there closed.

  1. Initialed by the Chief of the Division (Hamilton).
  2. Ante, pp. 120 and 122.
  3. Ante, p. 124.