740.0011 European War 1939/10981: Telegram

The Consul General at Beirut (Engert) to the Secretary of State

143. A high French Government official who has always been very frank with me begged me this morning to transmit the following:

Marshal Pétain should be immediately informed that large quantities of French war material in addition to guns mentioned in my 139, May 12, are being shipped to Iraq. He mentioned at least 10,000 rifles, many machine guns, ammunition and medical supplies. He feels sure that Pétain would not approve if he knew even though he may have been forced to place flying fields at the disposal of the Axis.
Unless the British act at once, that is within the next day or two, and make themselves [apparent omission] for the protection of Syria against the Axis it will be too late and the situation both here and in Iraq will get completely out of hand. It will also most certainly cause the collapse of Turkey as intimated in my 124, April 30.

My informant is of the opinion which I share that if a British Army crossed into Syria it would meet with little serious resistance from the French Army. It is rumored that the French are preparing to evacuate Syria and to withdraw to the Lebanon.

I have informed my British colleague of the above.

Please see also last paragraph of my 112, April 21.

Repeated to Vichy.
