Liberation of Ethiopia and conquest of Italian East Africa by the British; exchange of messages between President Roosevelt and Emperor Haile Selassie
[298] The Consul at Aden (Timberlake) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 27—5 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/7921: Telegram
[299] The Ambassador in Italy (Phillips) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 6—11:15 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/8156: Telegram
[300] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Phillips)
740.0011 European War 1939/8156: Telegram
[301] The Ambassador in Italy (Phillips) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 8—3 p.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/8229: Telegram
[302] The Chargé in Egypt (Hare) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 18—6:30 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/9122: Telegram
[303] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)
365D.1163/168: Telegram
[304] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 3—8:50 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/9581: Telegram
[305] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 5—5:40 p.m.]
365D.1163/170: Telegram
[306] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 7—3:02 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/9686: Telegram
[307] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 8—9:20 p.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/9741: Telegram
[308] The Consul at Aden (Timberlake) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 9—3:05 p.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/9797: Telegram
[309] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Aden (Timberlake)
740.0011 European War 1939/9797: Telegram
[310] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 26—1:37 p.m.]
365D.1163/172: Telegram
[311] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 27—11:25 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/10360: Telegram
[312] The Consul at Aden (Timberlake) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 9—7:45 a.m.]
365D.1115/13: Telegram
[313] The Emperor of Ethiopia (Haile Selassie I) to President Roosevelt
884.001 Selassie I/371: [Telegram]
[314] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 9.]
[315] The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in the United Kingdom (Johnson) to the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)
884.001 Selassie I/372
[316] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 20—3:44 a.m.]
740.0011 European War 1939/11104: Telegram
[317] President Roosevelt to the Emperor of Ethiopia (Haile Selassie I)
884.001 Selassie I/370: Telegram
[318] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Aden (Timberlake)
365D.1115/13: Telegram
[319] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Aden (Timberlake)
365D.1115/13: Telegram