881.822/200: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Childs) to the Secretary of State

239. My 237 of July 3, and 238 July 3, noon. A meeting of the International Commission for Cape Spartel Lighthouse was held at noon an hour after the receipt of the communication quoted in my 237. I took part together with representatives of Belgium, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden. The representatives of Italy and Spain were absent, the last named having excused himself on the grounds that he was too occupied to attend. I had [Page 583] with me copies of the reply which I proposed to make to the Spanish communication. Those present agreed to make a substantially similar protest individually and at the same time agreement was reached on the French text of a reply to be made by the President of the Commission. The following is a translation of this text dated today:

“Mr. Administrator.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 2, 1941, and I have not failed to convoke immediately the members of the International Cape Spartel Lighthouse Commission.

There have participated the representatives of Belgium, United States, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden which unanimously have taken note of your communication and have decided to refer it to their respective Governments.

Moreover they have charged me to address you their protests against the unilateral decision taken by the Spanish authorities in violation of engagements resulting from treaties and to express the most formal reserves concerning the rights and responsibilities of the governments which they represent and of the Commission itself.

Please accept, Mr. Administrator, the assurance of my high consideration. Signed the Minister Plenipotentiary in charge of the Portuguese Consulate General, President of the International Cape Spartel Lighthouse Commission.”
