883.77/58: Telegram
The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 17—11:02 a.m.]
737. For Feis. With the arrival Ldyslaus, the Maritime Commission representative, we should shortly know where we stand as to port facilities for discharge of American ships but I am still much troubled by question of railroad facilities for transporting goods after unloading (see my 463, May 12, 10 a.m., paragraph 1). As provisions outlined in your 174, May 26, 7 p.m., may be slow in results and as matter is extremely urgent if we want to make immediately available supplies sent to Middle [East?], I am wondering if, on the basis of the American interests involved, you could not cause an approach to be made to the Government of the Union of South Africa as the nearest neighbor to Egypt [to?] make a proposition to the Egyptian Government for the immediate supply of railway transportation experts as well as some rolling stock which we might subsequently replace to the Union with our own products. In this way it might be possible to institute a speedy improvement in the efficiency of the Egyptian railways which would serve our purpose in the present emergency.