121.861/35: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State


1690. For the President, the Secretary, and Under Secretary. The British Ambassador and I have arranged to present Harriman and Beaverbrook to Stalin and Molotov immediately upon their arrival in Moscow. They are to have a general talk with them and agree on the procedure to be followed at the conference. The following morning the American, British and Soviet delegations will be introduced to one another. We now expect the Special Missions to arrive in Moscow about September 24.89

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  1. Ambassador Steinhardt concluded his telegram No. 1705, September 25, with the opinion: “Although their pride will not permit the Soviet authorities to give expression to any foreigner of their innermost feelings, I am convinced that they are counting heavily on the impending three power conference to furnish them with the material necessary to stabilize the eastern front.” (740.0011 European War 1939/15408)