121.861/17a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

3604. 1. It is our plan formally to call the United States mission to Moscow “The President’s Special War Supply Mission to the Union [Page 829] of Soviet Socialist Republics”.80 Please inform the Department of formal designation of British mission.

2. Mr. Harriman is being designated as the Special Representative of the President and Chairman of the Special War Supply Mission to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with Rank of Ambassador, and the four members listed in my 3542, September 2, midnight,81 have been designated as Members on the Special War Supply Mission to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with the Rank of Minister.

3. Please inform Department of official ranks of British mission.

  1. This title was later simplified by deletion of the words “War Supply”.
  2. Not printed.