121.861/14a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt)

1027. The following telegram is being sent today to the American Embassy, London:

“Please inform the appropriate British authorities regarding the personnel of the mission and state that the mission will arrive in London for consultation about the middle of September. You may add that it is our suggestion that the American and British Ambassadors at Moscow simultaneously notify the Soviet Government regarding the composition of the respective special missions and state that if the Soviet Government is agreeable they will proceed from Great Britain to Moscow arriving in that city about October 1.79

“Please let us know whether the British Government agrees to this procedure so that we may instruct Steinhardt to act in cooperation with Sir Stafford Cripps who, we assume, will be similarly instructed by London.”

  1. A White House press release of September 3, 1941, announced that the Harriman mission was going to Moscow, where it would join a British mission under Lord Beaverbrook; see Department of State Bulletin, September 6, 1941, p. 180.