840.51 Frozen Credits/1961½
Press Release Issued by the Department of State on June 24, 1941
A general license was today issued under the freezing control order with respect to transactions of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its nationals.87 The State Department requested, and the Treasury [Page 769] and Justice Departments approved, the issuance of the license without requirement of the formal assurances which have been requested of European neutral nations affected by the freezing order.
At the time the freezing order was extended to all of continental Europe, the President announced that it was intended through the medium of general licenses to facilitate transactions of certain countries and their nationals conditional upon the receipt of adequate assurance from the Governments of such countries that the general licenses would not be employed by such countries or their nationals to evade the purposes of the freezing order. Recent events concerning the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have made such assurances unnecessary.
- The Treasury Department issued this license for the Soviet Union on June 24, 1941, under Executive Order No. 8389, April 10, 1941, as amended, and Regulations issued pursuant thereto; 6 Federal Register 3100.↩