860D.51/471: Telegram

The Minister in Finland (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State

31. My telegram No. 14, January 15 and last paragraph my No. 28, January 28. In conversation today with officials of the Ministry [Page 8] of Supply who called on me in connection with subject matter of my No. 30 of today,24 they referred to the desire of the Finnish Government for a loan from our Government in an unspecified amount to include credit of $7,000,000 to cover purchase of American agricultural commodities of particular interest to the Ministry of Supply. They solicited my support for such credit and at my request promised to give me memorandum with details. I gathered that no formal request for loan had yet been made.

  1. Not printed; in this telegram the urgency was expressed for purchase of bread grains to relieve the shortage in Finland which had arisen through the failure of the Soviet Union to supply the quantities promised by the trade agreement of June 28, 1940 (860D.5018/12).