811.20 Defense (M)/33: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)

1680. Your 1862, June 27. The Government is distinctly interested in the possibility of acquiring chrome ore from Turkey and will welcome all further information and suggestions from the British Government as to what quantities may be available, on what terms, and in what form necessary purchase arrangements could be discussed. Procurement Division of Treasury, which arranges and carries through the actual buying, informs the Department that under present conditions it feels it necessary to contract such purchases on a c. i. f. New York basis, which we understand to be the usual basis. It has recently bought certain quantities of Turkish chrome ore through the intermediary of Mutual Chemical Company on this basis. Please discuss the matter with the British authorities and report.

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Because of our desire to build up these reserve stocks promptly and because of both the great expense and difficulty of making satisfactory shipping arrangements to carry the ore from Turkey, it would be distinctly helpful to us to get as much Rhodesian ore as the British authorities think they might spare.

Please report as promptly as possible.
