Resumption of preliminary discussions for a trade agreement between the United States and Iran 58
58. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1938, vol. ii, pp. 757–762.
[596] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January 16, 1940—9 a.m.
[Received 10:05 a.m.]
[Received 10:05 a.m.]
166.934/197: Telegram
[597] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January 19, 1940—8 p.m.
[Received January 20—8:50 a.m.]
[Received January 20—8:50 a.m.]
611.9131/106: Telegram
[598] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, February 3, 1940—8 p.m.
[Received February 5—7 a.m.]
[Received February 5—7 a.m.]
611.9131/107: Telegram
[599] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, February 3, 1940—9 p.m.
[Received February 5—4:45 a.m.]
[Received February 5—4:45 a.m.]
611.9131/108: Telegram
[600] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, February 8, 1940—3 p.m.
611.9131/107: Telegram
[601] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Gordon P. Merriam of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] February 12,
[602] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, March
2, 1940—8 p.m.
[Received March 2—1 p.m.]
[Received March 2—1 p.m.]
611.9131/109: Telegram
[603] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Gordon P. Merriam of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] March 5,
[604] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, March
9, 1940—5 p.m.
611.9131/109: Telegram
[605] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, April
14, 1940—1 p.m.
[Received April 15—8:35 a.m.]
[Received April 15—8:35 a.m.]
611.9131/114: Telegram
[606] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, April
20, 1940—2 p.m.
611.9131/114: Telegram
[607] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, April
24, 1940—5 p.m.
[Received April 24—3:28 p.m.]
[Received April 24—3:28 p.m.]
611.9131/115: Telegram
[608] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, May 1,
1940—10 a.m.
[Received 2:44 p.m.]
[Received 2:44 p.m.]
611.9131/116: Telegram
[609] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, May
10, 1940—11 a.m.
611.9131/116: Telegram
[610] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, June 25,
[Received September 9.]
[Received September 9.]
[611] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, August
2, 1940—11 a.m.
[Received 2:52 p.m.]
[Received 2:52 p.m.]
611.9131/118: Telegram
[612] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Leander B. Lovell of the Division of Commercial Treaties and Agreements
[Washington,] August 24,
[613] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, August
26, 1940—10 a.m.
[Received 2:15 p.m.]
[Received 2:15 p.m.]
611.9131/120: Telegram
[614] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, August
28, 1940—noon.
[Received 1:54 p.m.]
[Received 1:54 p.m.]
611.9131/121: Telegram
[615] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, October 1,
[616] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, October 9, 1940—noon.
[Received 12:05 p.m.]
[Received 12:05 p.m.]
611.9131/123: Telegram
[617] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, October 10, 1940—2 p.m.
611.9131/121: Telegram
[618] The Consul at Tehran (Moose) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, October 14, 1940—3 p.m.
[Received October 14—1:58 p.m.]
[Received October 14—1:58 p.m.]
611.9131/125: Telegram
[619] The Consul at Tehran (Moose) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, August [October] 19,
[Received January 8, 1941.]
[Received January 8, 1941.]
[620] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Commercial Treaties and Agreements (Deimel)
[Washington,] November 15,
[621] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Washington, November 19, 1940—5 p.m.
891.02/25: Telegram
[622] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, November 25, 1940—2 p.m.
[Received November 26—7 a.m.]
[Received November 26—7 a.m.]
611.9131/131: Telegram
[623] The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, December 5, 1940—2 p.m.
[Received December 6—1:05 a.m.]
[Received December 6—1:05 a.m.]
611.9131/136: Telegram
[624] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Commercial Treaties and Agreements (Deimel)
[Washington,] December 17,
[625] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus)
Washington, December 20, 1940—9 p.m.
611.9131/131: Telegram