- Establishment of the Permanent Joint Board on Defense, the United
States and Canada (Documents 127–132)
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding the application of the Rush–Bagot Agreement of April 28 and 29, 1817, as to the armament of naval vessels constructed on the Great Lakes
- Agreement between the United States and Canada regarding the Great
Lakes–St. Lawrence Waterway, effected by exchange of notes signed
October 14 and 31 and November 7, 1940
(Documents 133–137)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada for reciprocal recognition of load line regulations for vessels engaged in international voyages on the Great Lakes, effected by exchange of notes
- Agreement between the United States and Canada concerning the establishment of a board of inquiry for the Great Lakes fisheries, signed February 29, 1940
- Agreement between the United States and Canada concerning exemptions from exchange control measures, effected by exchange of notes signed June 18, 1940
- Treaty between the United States and Canada amending in their application to Canada certain provisions of the Treaty of 1914 for the advancement of peace between the United States and Great Britain, signed September 6, 1940
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada giving effect to article III of the air transport arrangement signed August 18, 1939, effected by exchange of notes signed November 29 and December 2, 1940
- Supplementary trade agreement between the United States and Canada with regard to foxes and fox furs and skins, signed at Washington and New York, December 13, 1940