740.0011 European War 1939/6247: Telegram

The Chargé in Italy (Reed) to the Secretary of State

1019. My 1005, October 22, 11 a.m., and previous. Following from same source:

“As late as Thursday night31 argument continued between Duce and followers on one side and Badoglio and General Staff on the other side regarding the attack on Greece. Badoglio insists that if attack is made it should coincide with advance in Egypt. Graziani32 refuses to renew attack in Egypt until certain equipment and reinforcements have been received. It is probable attack on Greece will take place this week-end over Badoglio’s protest.

On Thursday 24 Italian submarines left Sardinia and Sicily for Bordeaux.”

Information received this morning that airplane service Rome to Athens discontinued for the present.

Inform War and Navy.

  1. October 24.
  2. Rodolfo Graziani, Commander of Italian Forces in North Africa and Governor General of Libya.