740.0011 European War 1939/5089: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

1011. Embassy’s despatch No. 568, June 25, 1940. The press this morning publishes a ukase of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet concerning the strengthening of the unity of command in the Red army and fleet which states that since the system of political commissars has in the main carried out its basic tasks and with a view to establishing full unity of command in the units of the army and fleet and to increasing the authority of the commander who is “the sole directing authority of the armed forces bearing full responsibility also for political work” the regulations concerning military commissars of August 15, 1937 are abolished and the post of assistant commander for the political sector in units of the Red army and fleet is created. Military Soviets are held responsible for “daily, active control of the political work in the armed forces”.
