Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Edgar P. Allen of the Division of Controls
Mr. Denis Devlin, Secretary of the Irish Legation, came in to see me this afternoon. Mr. Devlin indicated that the Legation has received [Page 163] a cable from its Government, requesting the Legation to make immediate inquiry in regard to the possibility of the Irish Government obtaining immediately a destroyer from the United States Government. Mr. Devlin indicated that the need is urgent and said that the Irish Government would like to obtain several additional destroyers at a later date. He said that he felt that, in view of the political situation, the Legation would receive a negative answer.
I informed Mr. Devlin that it is my understanding of the law on the subject that there is no existing legislation which would authorize the Government of the United States to sell destroyers to the Government of Ireland. I mentioned briefly also the present endeavors of this Government to build up its Navy and expressed the view that because of our own national defense requirements at this time, it seemed inconceivable to me that the Navy Department, even if legal authority existed, would be in a position to give favorable consideration to the Legation’s request. I told Mr. Devlin that I would place the Legation’s inquiry before officials of the Department and that if the Department had any comment to offer other than that which I had already given him, I would so inform him.