611.9131/109: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)

24. Your 9, January 16, 9 a.m., and the Department’s 17, February 8, 3 p.m., last paragraph. You may inform the Iranian authorities that as a result of conferences between the Iranian Minister and officers of this Department and of the Department of Commerce, memoranda have been prepared and delivered to the Minister analyzing and discussing the export trade of Iran to this country and making several suggestions for its increase. Certain verbal suggestions have also been made. It is understood that the Minister is communicating this material to his Government.

Within a few days Commerce expects to make available to the Minister the names of several trading companies of good general reputation who have expressed an interest in handling trade between the two countries. These names will be communicated without recommendation or responsibility on the part of this Government and it will then [Page 671] be necessary for the Iranian Government to make its choice and to arrange details.

The Export-Import Bank has been informed of the plans of the Iranian Government to establish closer economic relations with this country, for consideration in reaching a decision on the question of making credits available for exports to Iran. The decision, when taken, will necessarily be rendered in the light of the Bank’s statutes and policies which are not subject to the Department’s control or influence. The Minister has been advised to approach the president of the bank direct.

With reference to your 37, March 2, 8 p.m., it seems unnecessary to add that the Department is doing its utmost to further the plans of the Iranian Government in every possible and appropriate manner.
