
The Minister in Ecuador (Long) to the Secretary of State

No. 492

Sir: I have the honor to report that the meeting mentioned in my telegram No. 36 of May 13, 1 p.m., 1939, took place on Tuesday in the form of a luncheon at the Legation attended by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ricardo Ortiz, Chief of Commercial and Consular Affairs, Dr. Alejandro Ponce Borja, Mr. Luke of the South American Development Company, Messrs. Nester of Guayaquil, Gade29 and myself.

Mr. Luke orally gave figures included in his letter to me, sent with despatch No. 447 of April 19, 1939,30 and these he amplified with other data which came out naturally as those present asked questions, but the general showing was that the Mining Company he represents actually brought back into Ecuador during 1938 (at least according to Mr. Luke’s figures) approximately 83% of the total of its exports from Ecuador.

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Dr. Tobar remained unconvinced, and said he wished to study the matter further.

We handed him figures brought by Mr. Nester from Guayaquil which showed that our country was buying more cocoa during the early months of 1939 than usual; also that its coffee purchases in 1938 were greater in kilos than in 1937, albeit the dollar value was less due to lower prices and exchange. We tried to show that we were doing our part. Dr. Tobar, as always, said he wished to do the right thing but needed more data from Mr. Luke. Mr. Luke offered to furnish any figures Dr. Tobar might request. It is understood that Mr. Luke’s Company will supply as nearly as possible the data desired by Dr. Tobar by handing him its figures, either Saturday or Monday next. Dr. Tobar has indicated that immediately he receives the figures and has time to analyze them he will make a proposal.

Respectfully yours,

Boaz Long
  1. Gerhard Gade, Second Secretary of Legation.
  2. Not printed.