Establishment of the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee 1
1. Created by resolution III, approved October 3, 1939, of the Final Act of the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics for Consultation under the Inter-American Agreements of Buenos Aires and Lima, held at Panama, September 23–October 3, 1939 (see pp. 15 ff.). See also Comité Consultivo Económico Financiero Interamericano, Manual de su organización y actividades 1939–1943 (Washington, n. d.); Organization and Activities of the Inter-American Financial and Eeconomic Advisory Committee (Washington, Pan American Union, May 1941) (mimeographed); Actas de las sesiones del Comité Consultivo Económico Financiero Interamericano (Washington, Unión Panamericana, n. d.) (mimeographed).
[66] The American Delegate (Welles) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:10 p.m.]
740.001111 A.R./437: Telegram
[67] The Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe) to the Secretary of State
710. Financial and Economic Advisory Committee/2
[68] The Secretary of State to the Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe)
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