121.866A/2: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

568. My number 566 of December 24. The Pope today after referring to a violation of “international and divine laws” told the Sacred College of Cardinals that he was deeply gratified by the appointment of Myron Taylor to the Vatican. “We could not deprive ourselves of the joy of announcing it to you Reverend Brethren and dearly beloved sons”. He then went on to express the belief that the paths to peace were still open at an opportune moment through the offices of “responsible men” and defined as his criterion of the basis necessary for a lasting peace the right to live and the independence of all nations, great and strong, small and weak. Returning to the Taylor appointment the Pope remarked “This is Christmas news which could not be more welcome since it represents on the part of the eminent head of a great and powerful nation a worthy and promising contribution to our desires for a just and honorable peace and for a more effective work toward alleviating the sufferings of the victims of the war. Hence we are anxious to express here and now our felicitations and our spirit for this generous act to Roosevelt.”
