125.981/62: Telegram

The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

1383. My 1369, September 22, 1 p.m.22 I have just spoken by telephone with Consul General Davis who has arrived in Koenigsberg accompanied by the members of his staff, enumerated in my telegram under reference. In spite of the terrific ordeal through which they have passed they are in excellent health and after talking with Davis I feel that any expression of admiration for the magnificent courage, tenacity and resourcefulness which they have displayed during the past weeks would be feeble and inadequate. Their heroism is unquestioned and I wish to add my own to the tributes to their courage which all will accord them.

I asked Davis to inform me of any wishes or plans which he had in mind. He said that his first preoccupation was in regard to the disposition which the Department might have in mind of the officers and clerks who had stood by and rendered such signal service. He understands that there is a plan to transport to Stettin within a day or two the foreign representatives formerly in Warsaw but beyond that he has no definite news. He states that he left Vice Consul Chylinski in the Chancery building at Warsaw in charge of the Consulate General and that before leaving he gave to a representative of the Foreign Office a notification to the German authorities that the Consulate General was being kept open. Davis and Haering23 are ready and willing to return to Warsaw as soon as the fighting there is over if the Department so wishes and in the meantime, are willing [Page 681] to wait in Germany until that time arrives. The two American clerks Fadowska and Simmons as well as two polish female clerks whom Davis says deserve highest consideration for their loyal services are with him now and would be willing to accompany him back to Warsaw. The other officers however will not need to return to Warsaw and accordingly will await instructions from the Department as to their destination.

I shall inquire of the German authorities as soon as possible the details of the arrangements which may be made for the transference of the foreign representatives from Koenigsberg and shall immediately notify the Department. In the meanwhile I venture to suggest that the Department authorize Davis and Hearing to proceed to those neutral countries where their wives are believed to be residing in order that they may have a period of recuperation pending such decision as the Department may make as to their further movements. Authorizations might be issued to the other officers likewise to proceed to neutral countries pending other assignments or to a wait sailing for the United States on leave. These suggestion are merely tentative but it would seem advisable that the officers should proceed to neutral countries as soon as possible.

Davis states that approximately 50 American citizens evacuated from Warsaw are now in Koenigsberg. They, as well as the consular officers, are being given credit for their living expenses by the German authorities but eventually some measures must be taken for their relief and repatriation. I shall report to the Department as soon as definite information is received as to the city in Germany where they may be concentrated following their departure from koenigsberg. I shall communicate with Davis tomorrow by telephone and shall appreciate such instruction as the Department may care to issue on the basis of the incomplete information which I have been able to supply above.

  1. Not printed.
  2. George J. Haering, American Consul at Warsaw.