840.48 Refugees/1384: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 6—1:25 p.m.]
167. From Myron Taylor. Rublee tells me that he sent you for your confidential information through the Embassy in Berlin the text of the memorandum resulting from his conversation with the Germans. Beginning today, when we meet with Winterton, and throughout the week, there will have to be intensive discussions of the course which the principal governments will adopt at the Intergovernmental meeting on Monday next. Winterton has already indicated to me the importance which his Government attaches to the necessity of the British and American Governments going into the meeting in full agreement, and I believe that the French must also be in accord, and that it is desirable that the other governments represented by vice chairmen should agree with us as to the general lines of procedure.
[Page 82]It therefore is highly important that I should be informed very concretely by you as soon as possible of your views which you expect me to state in these conversations and in meeting. Looking ahead to the meeting, governments envisage a report by Rublee on his conversations in Berlin, in which he will emphasize the importance of making an adequate reply to the Germans. An expression of the views of the various governments will then be invited by the Chairman. Accordingly I should have from you definite instructions as to (1) whether it is desirable from your standpoint to take cognizance of the German plan and proceed on that basis; (2) whether the Director following the meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee should communicate with the Germans and the form which his communication should take; (3) what the relationship of the Committee should be to the proposed outside purchasing agency, and (4) the appointment of the third trustee of the trust to be set up inside Germany.
Rublee is telegraphing you simultaneously with this message the conclusions which he has reached as a result of his conversations in Berlin.31 I should appreciate your taking into account his message in making your reply. [Myron Taylor.]
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