
The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

No. 1043

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that according to a report published in the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of June 21, the Reich Minister of the Interior, in agreement with the Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, has drawn up a set of regulations governing the visits of Jews to German health and bathing resorts.

For the purpose of the regulations, which apparently enter into effect immediately, the definition of Jews is that given in the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935, that is, in general, “Jews” are persons with three or more full-blooded Jewish grandparents, or persons with two Jewish grandparents who belong to the Jewish religion or are married to full-blooded Jews. The regulations apply to foreign Jews as well as to German Jews, but extraterritorial members of foreign missions, as well as foreign consular career personnel, are exempted from their provisions.

In accordance with the new prescriptions Jews may be admitted to German bathing and health resorts provided they obtain a doctor’s certificate that a cure is necessary for their health, and provided further that means are at hand at the particular resort for lodging them in hotels or pensions apart from the other guests. The medical certificate which will be given them by a Jewish doctor must bear the endorsement of a local official health bureau (Gesundheitsamt), and as regards the places in which they are to be lodged at any particular resort, care must be taken that no women personnel under 45 years of age are employed in these establishments.

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The officially approved Jew may in general use the arrangements, such as fountains and baths, which are necessary for his cure, although, “out of special regard for the other guests,” the local authorities may impose restrictions as to time of use, and so forth. The Jew in question will not, however, be admitted to the other facilities of the resort, such as the garden, sport places, concert hall, restaurant or reading rooms.

An “Aryan” married to a full-blooded Jewess may bring his wife to a health resort if a doctor certifies that her attendance is necessary.

A doctor’s certificate entitling a Jew to visit a health resort shall be valid only for the place designated. Upon registering on arrival the Jew will be required voluntarily to state that he is a Jew. The “cure cards” given Jews by the resort authorities will be distinguished by a special color.

Respectfully yours,

Alexander Kirk