
The German Chargé (Thomsen) to the Secretary of State
Zu R 4532/39

Mr. Secretary of State: By direction of my Government, I have the honor to bring the following to Your Excellency’s knowledge: [Page 567]

The Government of the German Reich considers the Extradition Treaty between the Republic of Austria and the United States of America, of January 31, 1930,15 to have ceased to exist in consequence of the reunion of Austria with the German Reich. Since that time, the German Extradition Law has been introduced into the State of Austria by the Order of April 26, 1939, (Reichsgesetzblatt 1939, I, p. 844).

The Government of the German Reich therefore proposes that the operation of the Extradition Treaty of July 12, 1930, between the German Reich and the United States of America16 (Reichsgesetzblatt 1931, II, p. 403), shall now extend also to the territory in which the former Austro-American Treaty was effective.

I should be greatly obliged to you for the favor of a statement whether the United States Government agrees to this proposal of the Government of the German Reich.

Accept [etc.]
