125.733/40: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 11—4 p.m.]
632. My 631, July 11, 9 p.m. In the course of my conversation with Weizsaecker, he said that it was his belief that the procedure adopted by the American Government in applying for an exequatur for its Consul General at Prague was determined upon in concert with the British and French Governments and indicated that the stand taken by the German Government was in protest against the affirmation of the declared position of those Governments in regard to the occupation by Germany of the Czechoslovak provinces.
I understand that up to yesterday the British Embassy here had no instruction from London on the matter of the note it had received from the Foreign Office here (see my 586, July 4, noon7). I shall be glad to be informed if the Department authorizes me to discuss the matter with my British and French colleagues.
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