811.24 Raw Materials/162: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium ( Davies ) to the Secretary of State

74. My telegram No. 69, June 1, 6 p.m. Despite our urgent request Camus has found it impossible to go to London for conference with head of tin cartel before departure for Washington. He advises that he expects to see latter on his return to Europe about June 25. Doubtful whether he will be able to make definite commitment before such meeting. Pertinent portion Department’s telegram No. 31, June 2, conveyed to him orally.

Our information here appears to indicate that there is greater probability of acquisition of cotton rather than wheat. This is due not only to storage problems and perishable quality of latter product but also possibly on account of existing arrangements with reference to Rumanian wheat. Further progress in negotiations here dependent upon Belgian Government’s decision concerning these commodities.

We shall continue to follow matter here actively.
