Efforts of China to secure war material from other countries76
76. For previous correspondence on the export of military material to China, see Foreign Relations, 1937, vol. iv, pp. 520 ff.
[597] Memorandum Prepared in the Division of Far Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] March 12, 1938.
[598] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)
[Washington,] March 25, 1938.
711.00111 Regis. Lic/1222
[599] The Chargé in France (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
Paris, April 2,
[Received April 2—10:30 a.m.]
[Received April 2—10:30 a.m.]
893.24/370: Telegram
[600] Memorandum Prepared in the Division of Far Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] April 20, 1938.
[601] Memorandum by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)
[Washington,] May 31, 1938.
711.00111 Lic.Douglas Anticraft Co. Inc./93/118
[602] Memorandum of Conservation, by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)
[Washington,] June 8, 1938.
711.00111 Lic.Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc./93/121
[603] The Acting Secretary of War (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Washington, June 15, 1938.
[604] Memorandum by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)
[Washington,] June 21, 1938.
711.00111 Lic.Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc./93/123
[605] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)
[Washington,] June 24, 1938.
711.00111 Lic. Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc./93/124
[606] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Ambassador (C. T. Wang)
, June 29,
711.00111 Lic.Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc./93/127
[607] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)
[Washington,] July 2, 1938.
711.00111 Lic.Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc./93/131
[608] The Consul at Rangoon (Brady) to the Secretary of State
Rangoon, July 26, 1938.
[Received August 9.]
[Received August 9.]
[609] The Vice Consul at Saigon (Palmer) to the Secretary of State
Saigon, August 19, 1938.
[Received September 6.]
[Received September 6.]
[610] Memorandum by the Second Secretary of Embassy in France (Higgins)
Paris, September 2, 1938.
[611] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, November 2, 1938—9
[Received November 2—1:03 p.m.]
[Received November 2—1:03 p.m.]
893.24/480: Telegram
[612] The Consul General at Hong Kong (Southard) to the Secretary of State
Kong, November 8, 1938—9
[Received 2:15 p.m.]
[Received 2:15 p.m.]
893.24/483: Telegram
[613] The Consul at Rangoon (Brady) to the Secretary of State
Rangoon, November 12, 1938—8
[Received November 12—2 p.m.]
[Received November 12—2 p.m.]
893.24/486: Telegram
[614] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Chungking, November 15, 1938—10
[Received November 15—7 a.m.]
[Received November 15—7 a.m.]
893.24/401: Telegram
[615] The Chargé in France (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
Paris, November 16, 1938—7
[Received November 16—7 p.m.]
[Received November 16—7 p.m.]
893.24/493: Telegram
[616] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Wilson)
Washington, December 1, 1938—5
651G.11251/9: Telegram
[617] The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Chungking, December 5, 1938—9
[Received December 5—6 a.m.]
[Received December 5—6 a.m.]
651G.11251/11: Telegram
[618] The Chargé in France (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
Paris, December 5, 1938—4
[Received December 5—2:23 p.m.]
[Received December 5—2:23 p.m.]
651G.11251/10: Telegram
[619] The Consul at Rangoon (Brady) to the Secretary of State
Rangoon, December 13, 1938—9
[Received December 13—2:30 p.m.]
[Received December 13—2:30 p.m.]
893.24/511: Telegram
[620] The Consul General at Hong Kong (Southard) to the Secretary of State
Kong, December 22, 1938.
[Received December 22—12:20 p.m.]
[Received December 22—12:20 p.m.]
651G.11251/13: Telegram