711.00111 Lic.Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc./93/131

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Office of Arms and Munitions Control (Green)

Mr. Zaung Teh Ing, Counselor of the Chinese Embassy, called me by telephone this morning. He read me a translation of a telegram from the Chinese Foreign Office in regard to the exportation of three DC–3 planes to Outer Mongolia. The telegram stated that the Foreign Office had informed our Ambassador a month ago that it could not give permission for the importation of planes into Outer Mongolia unless the Outer Mongolian Government would request that such permission be granted, and that the situation remained unchanged.

Mr. Ing said that he had received the note addressed to the Ambassador on June 29 informing him that the export license had been issued and that he supposed that that settled the matter.

I referred to our conversation on June 24 and said that in view of what I had told him at that time we had decided to issue the license unless his Government expressed strong objection to such action.

Mr. Ing said that as he read the telegram from the Foreign Office it was not intended to express objection. He pointed out that it merely stated that the Central Government could not grant permission.

I gathered from Mr. Ing’s tone that the Embassy was not in any degree displeased at the issuance of the license.

J[oseph] C. G[reen]