891.6363 Amiranian/20
The Chargé in Iran (Merriam) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 2.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith five copies of a map23 published in the Journal de Teheran on January 24, 1937, defining [Page 737] the limits of the concession of the Amiranian Oil Company. As the Department is aware from the wording of the Protocol to the agreement submitted under cover of despatch No. 967 of January 13, 1937,24 the limits of the concession are: the Caspian Sea, the frontiers of Soviet Russia, Afghanistan and British Baluchistan, and a line passing through Bandar-i-Shah, Kurd-Mahalleh, Damghan, Reshm, Jandak, Ourdib, Hovze-Miantak, Baabad, Kashit, Fehraj, Irafshan, to the frontier.
Respectfully yours,