Informal representations regarding Polish direct shipment requirement in apparent violation of treaty of June 15, 193136

36. For previous correspondence regarding alleged Polish discrimination against American trade, see Foreign Relations, 1935, vol. ii, pp. 629 ff. For text of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights, see ibid., 1931, vol. ii, p. 938.

[417] The Consul General at Warsaw (Bevan) to the Secretary of State


[418] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Poland (Johnson)

660C.116/197: Telegram

[419] The Chargé in Poland (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

660C.116/199: Telegram

[420] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Poland (Cudahy)

660C.116/199: Telegram

[421] The Ambassador in Poland (Cudahy) to the Secretary of State

660C.116/200: Telegram (part air)

[422] The Ambassador in Poland (Cudahy) to the Secretary of State

660C.116/204: Telegram (part air)

[423] The Consul General at Warsaw (Bevan) to the Secretary of State


[425] The Ambassador in Poland (Biddle) to the Secretary of State
