Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States and Czechoslovakia1

1. For previous correspondence respecting trade relations between the United States and Czechoslovakia, see Foreign Relations, 1936, vol. ii, pp. 24 ff.

[167] The Department of State to the Czechoslovak Legation


[169] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Wright) to the Secretary of State

611.60F31/185: Telegram

[170] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Wright) to the Secretary of State

611.60F31/186: Telegram

[171] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Wright) to the Secretary of State

611.60F31/187: Telegram

[172] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Wright)

611.60F31/191: Telegram

[173] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Wright) to the Secretary of State

611.60F31/194: Telegram

[174] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Wright)

611.60F31/199: Telegram

[178] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Carr)

611.60F31/526a: Telegram

[179] The Department of State to the Czechoslovak Legation


[180] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Carr)

611.60F31/530a: Telegram

[181] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Carr) to the Secretary of State

611.60F31/531: Telegram

[182] The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Carr) to the Secretary of State

611.60F31/533: Telegram

[183] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Carr)

611.60F31/531: Telegram