860C.4016/508: Telegram

The Ambassador in Poland (Biddle) to the Secretary of State

114. Your 79 [69] September 24, 6 p.m. Situation in Warsaw in summary as follows:

Wave of anti-Semitic activities of young students and workingmen commenced 3 weeks ago and culminating last Sunday in numerous street beatings and window breaking, occasioning grave anxiety in Jewish circles. Monday and Tuesday conditions improved somewhat. Polish press Tuesday forbidden under threat of suspension to publish details, but foreign correspondents sent out stories.
Wednesday, Warsaw authorities issued and posted throughout city warning of 1 to 10 years imprisonment for individuals participating [Page 555] in beatings and damaging property. Numerous extra police brought to Warsaw same day and are patrolling streets and parks where beatings took place with the result that beatings have not been as great since then. Seventeen persons, including at least 3 Jews, reported being held for trial as participants.
While situation appears cleared up at present time, the Embassy cannot say that activities will not be renewed, particularly in early October when universities reopen.

Despatch follows.55

  1. Not printed.