834.01/30: Telegram
Colonel Rafael Franco to President Roosevelt
[Received March 6—12:29 a.m.]
In name Provisional Government Republic of Paraguay and people my native land closely united in constituting new political situation [Page 879] created by events 17th February last I have high honor to address myself to Your Excellency in your character as President of the United States of America nation mediating and forming part of the Peace Conference Buenos Aires charged with giving friendly solution problems arising from Paraguayan-Bolivian war transmitting to Your Excellency anxieties which preoccupy mind my Government with reference fulfillment of the pacts subscribed with intervention peace conference and particularly to repatriation of prisoners war. This Provisional Government was constituted 16 days ago with unanimous support of all the Paraguayan people having given its attention from first moment to issuing official declarations regarding its will faithfully to carry out international obligations and pacts in force as well as with regard to democratic principles which will guide new organization of the State and the resolution proceed without delay with the repatriation of captives of war. Notwithstanding such antecedents and the firm consolidation public tranquillity until now there has not been re-establishment of official relations with Your Excellency’s Government and with the Peace Conference and in consequence my Government feels legitimate fears that the time periods agreed upon in the peace pacts may come to an end without its being possible to give fulfillment to undertakings despite our firm will to do so. In view possibility of so regrettable a circumstance occurring my Government sees itself under the necessity of having recourse directly to Your Excellency in order to state that it disassociates itself from any responsibility arising therefrom, being assured that it has thus given one more proof of its spirit of peace of justice and of right and of its eagerness for fraternal collaboration with friendly nations which so earnestly labor for the peace of our peoples.
I avail myself [etc.]
Colonel and Provisional President of the Republic of Paraguay