834.01/12: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Paraguay (Howard)
4. Your 33, March 1, 11 a.m. The Department has received during the past few days full information as to the considered views of the Governments of Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Brazil14 with regard to the question of recognition of the new Paraguayan Government. Consensus of opinion appears to be that it would be expedient to await the result of the conversations which will take place in Buenos Aires between the new Paraguayan delegates and the delegates at the Chaco Peace Conference before reaching any decision as to the wisdom of according recognition to the new regime at this time.
The Government of Chile has intimated that it would seem that the official statements issued by Colonel Franco and Dr. Stefanich concerning the intention of the new regime to maintain inviolate the Chaco peace agreements previously concluded by the Ayala government are at variance with certain of the declarations made by officials of the new Government to the public in Paraguay, and specifically, to the Paraguayan Army. The Government of Brazil is perturbed because of its belief that extremist elements are preponderant in the new Paraguayan regime.
[Page 876]This Government believes it to be wise, in so far as the matter of recognition is concerned, to act in harmony so far as may be possible with the other mediatory nations represented at the Chaco Peace Conference, and furthermore believes it to be clearly desirable that formal commitments be given by the new Paraguayan regime demonstrating its firm intention of upholding all of the Chaco peace agreements previously arrived at. If satisfactory assurances on this point were not proffered by the new regime, there could be no assurance that the work of the Buenos Aires conference, concluded after so much difficulty during the past year would not be destroyed.
For all of these reasons this Government is unwilling at this time to reach any conclusion on the matter of recognition.
If a further informal opportunity such as that mentioned in your telegram under reference is presented to you to talk with Dr. Stefanich, you may intimate that it would seem as if a satisfactory contact with the representatives of the mediatory governments were presented to the new Paraguayan Government by the arrival in Buenos Aires of its military delegates and that you are certain that formal and satisfactory assurances demonstrating the intention of the new Paraguayan Government to respect all of the Chaco peace agreements would have a very reassuring effect and promote a favorable reaction on the part of the governments represented at the Peace Conference.
Please continue to keep the Department fully informed by telegram.